
no one ken to ken to sivmen
nor yon clees to jon maliveh
when i guez ajo zavateh na nalechoo more
new yonooz tonigh molinigh
yon sorra shoo...
yez it shoooo...oooohhhhh...

ken lee, tulibu dibu doocho
ken lee...ken lee meju more

ken lee...tulibu dibu doocho
ken lee...ken lee meju more...

ken lee, anyone?


Michael and Harvey,

Dudes! Wow! You two are great and are close to being the greatest. Your friendship--that one--I am so jealous of it, man! Sup to both of now? Hope you guys are, you know, doing it well. I mean, doing well.

Weird how I felt like touching the self--and my honestly just comes out fluidly when I see two good looking young men, hot and with skin the color of milk--obviously happy with a friendship that's making a fabulous tour in the lifelane, gracefully flowing with Pops and Joey's Points of View.

And when you professed that you will always be beside each other "until the very end, wiping all your tears away, being your bestfriend I'll smile and feel the pain when you do, and if you cry a single tear, promise I will cry too...(sic)?" Boy, I felt my spunk ready to spew out of the schlong even without me touching it.

Can I join in the friendship? Sure, by that I mean I am ready now for a threesome.


...and talking about genetically engineered stuff, I remember covering a demonstration staged by local members of the worldwide Food Not Bombs network where I spotted a placard emblazoned with a text in red that read: DEFY GENETICALLY MODIFIED ARROYO.

Well, from anti-GMO to anti-GMA.


According to Greenpeace Southeast Asia, the following products, sold in the Philippines, are packed--as in packed--with genetically modified organisms or GMO.

1. Nestle Cerelac Wheat Infant Cereal with Milk
2. Hong Chi Foods Yung Ho Soybean Drink
3. Nestle Nesvita Natural Cereal Drink
4. Pokka Soya Bean Drink
5. Abbott Ensure Complete, Balanced Nurtition Vanilla Flavor
6. Kellogg's Chocos Chex
7. Pilmico-Mauri Farina Quick Cooking Hot Oil Wheat Cereal
8. Isomil Soy Infant Formula
9. Wyeth Nursoy Milk-Free formula for infants and children
10. Shoemart Bonus Vienna Franks
11. Swift Rica Protina Hordog
12. Swift Meat Loaf Embotido Style
13. Swift Cheesy Hotdogs
14. Holiday Corned Beef
15. Purefood Hormel Vienna Sausage
16. Purefood Chorizo Bilbao Style
17. Purefood Chicken Nuggets Classic with Honey Barbecue Sauce
18. Purefood Beefies Hotdog
19. Gusto Sausage
20. Purefoods Liver Spread
21. Campo Carne Chicken Vienna Sausage
22. Campo Carne Chinese Luncheon Meat
23. San Miguel Campo Carne Chicken Hotdog
24. San Miguel Campo Carne Moby Hotdog
25. Magnolia Chicken Chunks in Brine
26. Foodsphere CDO Corned Beef
27. JAKA Quality Foods Budget Franks
28. Quality Foods Big 'n Tastee Hotdogs
29. Argentina Corned Beef
30. Argentina Beef Loaf
31. CDO Carne Norte Pinoy Style Guisado
32. Foodmart Enterprise Kani Kizami Age Crab Cake
33. Nestle Maggi Cup Sarap Chicken Arroz Caldo
34. Zesto Corporation Quick Chow Instant Pancit Palabok
35. Doritos Smokey Red Barebecue
36. Universal Robina Jack 'n Jill Tortilllas smoky Barbecue Flavored Tortilla Chips
37. General Milling Granny Goose Kornets Natural Flavor
38. General Milling Granny Goose Tortillos
39. Granny Goose Tortillos Chili Flavor
40. Granny Goose Kornet Barbecue Flavor
41. Bocaditos Tortilla Chips Shaslik Flavor
42. Knorr Cream of Corn Soup
43. Knorr Crab and Corn Real Chinese Soup
44. Campbell's Condensed Soup Chicken with Rice
45. Prime Corn Starch
46. Food Fair Quality Cornstarch
47. Nestle Butterfinger time to scour the food cabinet and the ref. Go!